We promote and coordinate initiatives for the defence of the interests of the shipbuilding industry and its key instruments, collaborating to achieve a satisfactory completion of ship construction, transformation and repair operations at Spain’s private shipyards.

We rely on our successful experience and we are a fundamental piece in the essential public-private collaboration, as the management body of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism with a Board of Directors that includes representatives from the principal private shipyards in Spain and the General Government and the Regional Government of the Autonomous Communities.

We are committed to the future of the shipbuilding sector from diversification towards new niches such as renewable marine energies, digitalization, sustainability and skilling and training.

Pymar has key instruments to improve the competitiveness of shipyards, such as the Shipbuilding Guarantee Fund, and a team of experienced professionals for technical legal and economic consulting for shipbuilding processes, advice on the structuring of finance and attracting investors, which is key to the delivery of these projects.

Pymar has issued 585 guarantees over the course of its history, for more than 3.7 billion euros for the construction of 296 ships for 6.4 billion euros. Our company holds a rating of BBB+ from Fitch Ratings.

We drive the action the
shipbuilding industry needs

Imagine the way

We seek to open new possibilities and explore new proposals. The is the only way we can offer the solutions the sector and society are demanding.

We bring interests together

We promote activity throughout the value chain of the shipbuilding sector and play a fundamental role in public-private collaboration.

We contribute prestige

The high quality of Spanish shipbuilding and the application of advanced technologies positions us as an international leader.

We generate a positive impact on the environment

We make a more equal and respectful world possible : through the reduction of environmental impact.

Here at Pymar we have a team of highly qualified professionals. We promote and coordinate initiatives for the defence of the interests of the shipbuilding industry and its key instruments, collaborating to achieve a satisfactory completion of ship construction, transformation and repair operations at Spain’s private shipyards.

Would you like to know more about what we do?

Today we are immersed in a pdeep digitalisation process that will transform and renew the entire shipbuilding sector.

Wouldyou like to know more about our challenges?

The Spanish shipbuilding industry in numbers



+9.200M €

Economic impact

2º puesto

EU for units contracted

96M €

allocated to innovative activities



Novedades del sector

A vital link in the economy

See our latest Activity Report: Strategic Positioning, Challenges and Measures to Improve Competitiveness