Pymar, together with the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), has formally created the University-Company Chair, with the objective of identifying and developing new technological opportunities that can add competitiveness and differentiation to Spain’s private shipyards through the transfer of knowledge between the University and the Company on a basis of multidisciplinary collaboration.
With this agreement, we also promote specialised training in fields of special interest to the shipbuilding and repair sector. The activity of the Chair is developed across different multidisciplinary research groups within different areas, including:
- Creation of the Virtual Reality Classroom at the facilities of the Higher Technical School of Naval Engineering (ETSIN) to promote the training of future naval engineers in the scope of new digitalisation technologies.
- Analysis of the evolution and trends in the market.
- Optimisation of construction processes and search for new techniques and materials.
- Sustainable environmental operation of the vessel.
- New on-board energy storage systems
- New ship designs and concepts.